Fighting inverter noise

Last EUHFC contest from my summer location JN65UX was not eco-friendly. I don’t have grid power here (yes, I’m posting this from nice cool porch 😉 ). The cabin is solar powered at for least two decades now but this is still an ongoing project. I pulled out old 1,5 kW chinese generator because my new inverter make all radioamateur band useless. Normaly I work QRP directly on 12V house wiring, but EUHFC doesn’t have this category. So for 12 (plus…) hours I polluted the peaceful wood with monotone brbrbrbrbrbrbrrrr.

It’s time to find a solution to RFI inverter problems and first results from today are very good.

Before the noise covered all bellow S 9 +40 dB on 80m band

With filter … wow … I can follow the S5 net on 3,605 MHz 🙂 … 160m is still useless, 80m could go for local traffic and big contests, 40m also …. but 20m and up are completly clean!

Not for producion use 🙂 220 V contacts are exposed during the tests!